Thursday, September 20, 2007

HW 7: "My So-Called Blog"

I think that kids should have the right to their privacy from their parents and should also be able to write freely online. Obviously, communication between parents and children is pivotal for security and a positive relationship. I don't think that parents should be badgering their kids and sneaking behind them to uncover personal information, even if it results in a more secure and protected future.

Emily Nussbaum, in her article, "My So-Called Blog," describes some of the positives that blogging and other online communication sites can provide for kids. She talks about a young boy named "J." Nussbaum states:

Online, he could blurt out confessions of loneliness and insecurity, worrying aloud about slights from friends. Yet despite the fact that he knew that anyone who wanted to could read his journal--and that a few friends did, leaving comments at the end of posts--he also maintained the notion that what he was doing was private. He didn't write for an audience, he said; he just wrote what he was feeling.
(Kline and Burstein 352-353)

I think that this boy, J., truly shows how blogging can comfort its users. The confidentiality that he shows in his blogging truly shows that he trusts the blog site and trusts that people could never criticize him for what he writes within the blog.

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